The school session is from April to March. The registration form is available on our website which is to be filled and submitted online. The admission form has to be duly filled with all entries and signatures. Registration process is open for all.
Aadhar Card copy of both parents and child.
Attested copy of Birth Certificate
6 passport size photographs of the child.
2 copies of each parent's photograph
Proof of residence
Medical Fitness Certificate
Covid Vaccination Certificate
Address Proof (Any one of the following )
Any one of the following :
Ration Card
Voter ID
Passport of parent
Electricity Bill
Rent Lease deed
Previous Year's Pass Report Card
Pass Transfer Certificate
Permanent Education Number
In case of inter-state students, the T.C. should be counter signed by the Education Officer.
A pre-requisite to learning is regularity; you are requested to encourage your child to be regular to the school.
Please spend quality time with your child and enquire about the activities of the school in a friendly manner and appreciate all his/her efforts.
Make the child feel special, wanted and missed when he/she comes back from the school.
Talk about the next day's activities at home.
Read the circulars and the notes carefully sent by the teachers.
Encourage your child to be responsible about his/her belongings.
Students are not allowed to leave during the school hours. Leave for half day is not permitted.
Avoid sending your child to the school in case he/she is unwell.
Do not send any expensive items with your child to the school.
Birthdays to be celebrated in the school by distributing a sweet to each child.
Kindly intimate the school about any change in the address, phone number or e-mail id.
Ensure that your child carries two sets of clothes and footwear (labelled) for any emergency on the first day of the school.
No visitors will be allowed to contact any student.
No long leave of absence (15 days) is granted without the prior permission of the Principal, unless the child is ill. A medical Certificate need to be submitted on joining the school.
A leave application is necessary for any leave taken by the child. It has to be sent to the school the day the child joins back.
A long leave of a week, without any intimation to the school, renders the child's name to be struck off from the rolls of the school. Re-admission may be granted only at the discretion of the Principal.
Name of a Student is struck off from the school records.
(a) Student Absent from the Beginning of an Academic Session. Absence
amounting to 15 days of school time table missed ( Sundays and Holidays
excluded), continuously from the date of commencement of an academic
session and the Parent/Guardian has failed to communicate the reasons.
(b) Absence any Time after Joining the Session – Violation of Discipline
Policy. Any absence or part there off, leading to seven days of school time
table missed, intermittently or continuously ( Sundays and Holidays excluded),
shall be a fit case for NSO action. The operating condition is that the absence
is unexplained and, has neither been reported nor covered through any
application or medical reasons or any reasons or means of communication by
the Parent/Guardian to the school.
(c) Violation of Discipline Policy. A disciplinary violation held by Discipline
Committee(DC) of the school and approved by Management, such NSO
recommendation is invoked immediately on occurrence of violation, its
investigation and cognizance taken by the DC for any major or serious
disciplinary violation(s) – Discipline Circular at reference (a) above.
(d) Non payment of School Fees and other Dues To School.
Parents/guardians who have defaulted on fee payments. Nonpayment of fees
amounting to two months continuously or in parts shall be an NSO condition.
Students suffering from the following diseases should observe the period of quarantine.
Chicken Pox : Till complete falling of scabs.
Measles : Till 2 Weeks after the rashes disappear.
Mumps : Until the swelling has gone(a month).
Jaundice : About six weeks.
Whooping Cough : About 6 weeks.
Kindly check the uniform, nails, hair of your ward every morning. They should be immaculately turned out daily.
Please ensure that your ward carries books according to the TIME-TABLE.
A detailed plan of academic learning and activities will be sent to the parents on a monthly basis.